{% include 'sidebar.html' %}

Admin View | 管理頁面

{{currRoom[0]}} {{currRoom[1]}}


{% if 'c' in submission %}

Homeroom Confirmed 班導已確認

{% else %}

Homeroom NOT Confirmed 班導尚未確認

{% endif %}
{% for i in periods %}
{% endfor %}
{% for i in periods %}
{{schedule[i]['subject']}} {% if schedule[i]['special'] == True %} (換) {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for i in periods %}
{% endfor %}
{% for i in students %}
{{ i[0] }}
{{ i[1] }}
{{ i[2] }}
{% for j in periods %}
{% if schedule[j]['subject'] == 'GP' %} {% for k in submission[j] %} {% if k!='notes' and i[0] in absentData[j] %} {% if absentData[j][i[0]]['status'] == 'L' %}


{% elif absentData[j][i[0]]['status'] == 'K' %}

{% elif absentData[j][i[0]]['status'] == 'G' %}

{% elif absentData[j][i[0]]['status'] == 'S' %}

{% elif absentData[j][i[0]]['status'] == 'F' %}

{% elif absentData[j][i[0]]['status'] == 'P' %}

{% elif absentData[j][i[0]]['status'] == 'O' %}

{% else %}


{% endif %}


{% elif studGP[i[0]][schedule[j]['teacher']] == k %}


{% if j in idvDS and i[0] in idvDS[j] %}


{% endif %} {% else %}

{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% else %} {% if i[0] in absentData[j] %} {% if absentData[j][i[0]]['status'] == 'L' %}


{% elif absentData[j][i[0]]['status'] == 'K' %}

{% elif absentData[j][i[0]]['status'] == 'G' %}

{% elif absentData[j][i[0]]['status'] == 'S' %}

{% elif absentData[j][i[0]]['status'] == 'F' %}

{% elif absentData[j][i[0]]['status'] == 'P' %}

{% elif absentData[j][i[0]]['status'] == 'O' %}

{% else %}


{% endif %}


{% elif j in submission %}


{% else %}

{% endif %} {% if j in idvDS and i[0] in idvDS[j] %}


{% endif %} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %} {% for i in range(7) %}
{% for j in periods %} {% if j in submission and schedule[j] != 'GP' %}
{{submission[j]['ds' + (i+1)|string]}}
{% else %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endfor %} {% for c in range(periods|length + 1) %} {% if c % 4 == 0 %}
{% endif %}
{% if c == 0 %}
Homeroom Teacher 導師
{% if 'c' in submission %}
備註: {{submission['c']['notes']}}
{% else %}
No Signature 導師尚未簽名
{% endif %} {% else %} {% if schedule[periods[c-1]]['subject'] == 'GP' %} {% if periods[c-1] in submission %} {% for i in submission[periods[c-1]] %} {% if i != 'notes' %}
{{periods[c-1]}}: {{schedule[periods[c-1]]['teacher']}}: {{i}}
{% if loop.index == loop.length-1 %}
備註: {{submission[periods[c-1]]['notes']}} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% else %}
{{periods[c-1]}}: {{schedule[periods[c-1]]['subject']}}: {{i}}: No Signature
{% endif %} {% else %}
{{periods[c-1]}}: {{schedule[periods[c-1]]['subject']}}: {{schedule[periods[c-1]]['teacher']}}
{% if periods[c-1] in submission %}

備註: {{submission[periods[c-1]]['notes']}}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if c % 4 == 3 %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% include 'footer.html' %}