
597 lines
25 KiB
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2021-10-06 07:44:08 -07:00
from functions import *
2021-09-26 06:37:34 -07:00
manage = Blueprint('manage', __name__)
def manageProcess(fCommand, fData):
if (check_login_status()):
return redirect('/logout')
2021-10-06 07:44:08 -07:00
2021-12-12 02:38:10 -08:00
if 'user_type' in session and session['user_type'] == 'student':
return redirect('/student')
pl = session['subuser_type']
2021-09-26 06:37:34 -07:00
if pl == 'admin':
2021-12-12 02:38:10 -08:00
db = refresh_db()
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT grade, class_ FROM homerooms ORDER BY grade ASC, class_ ASC")
homeroomsSQL = cursor.fetchall()
homerooms = {}
for h in homeroomsSQL:
if h[0] in homerooms:
homerooms[h[0]] = [h[1]]
2021-09-26 06:37:34 -07:00
currRoom = []
if fCommand == "admin":
currRoom = fData[0].split("^")
2021-12-12 02:38:10 -08:00
currRoom = [homeroomsSQL[0][0], homeroomsSQL[0][1]]
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT num,name,ename,classes FROM students WHERE grade=%s AND class_=%s ORDER BY num ASC", (currRoom[0], currRoom[1]))
students = cursor.fetchall()
studGP = {}
for s in students:
studGP[s[0]] = json.loads(s[3])
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT date FROM dates ORDER BY date ASC")
dates = cursor.fetchall()
2021-09-26 06:37:34 -07:00
currDate = ""
if fCommand != "":
currDate = fData[1]
2021-12-12 02:38:10 -08:00
for i in dates:
currDate = i[0]
if i[0] >="%Y-%m-%d"):
2021-09-26 06:37:34 -07:00
2021-12-12 02:38:10 -08:00
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT dow FROM dates WHERE date=%s", (currDate, ))
dow = cursor.fetchone()[0]
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT period, subject, teacher FROM schedule WHERE grade=%s AND class_=%s AND dow=%s", (currRoom[0], currRoom[1], dow))
scheduleSQL = cursor.fetchall()
schedule = {}
for i in scheduleSQL:
schedule[i[0]] = {
"subject": i[1],
"teacher": i[2],
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT period, subject, teacher FROM specschedule WHERE grade=%s AND class_=%s AND date=%s", (currRoom[0], currRoom[1], currDate))
specScheduleSQL = cursor.fetchall()
for i in specScheduleSQL:
schedule[i[0]] = {
"subject": i[1],
"teacher": i[2],
"special": True
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT period, signature, notes, ds1,ds2,ds3,ds4,ds5,ds6,ds7 FROM submission WHERE grade=%s AND class_=%s AND date=%s", (currRoom[0], currRoom[1], currDate))
submissionSQL = cursor.fetchall()
submission = {}
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT period, num, note FROM ds WHERE grade=%s AND class_=%s AND date=%s", (currRoom[0], currRoom[1], currDate))
idvDSSQL = cursor.fetchall()
idvDS = {}
for i in idvDSSQL:
if i[0] not in idvDS:
idvDS[i[0]] = {}
idvDS[i[0]][i[1]]= i[2]
for i in submissionSQL:
if i[0] == 'c':
submission[i[0]] = {
"signature": i[1],
"notes": i[2]
elif schedule[i[0]]["subject"] == "GP":
submission[i[0]] = OrderedDict()
signatures = json.loads(i[1])
for j in signatures:
submission[i[0]][j] = {
"signature": signatures[j],
submission[i[0]]["notes"] = i[2]
submission[i[0]] = {
"signature": i[1],
"notes": i[2],
"ds1": i[3],
"ds2": i[4],
"ds3": i[5],
"ds4": i[6],
"ds5": i[7],
"ds6": i[8],
"ds7": i[9]
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT period, num, status, note FROM absent WHERE grade=%s AND class_=%s AND date=%s", (currRoom[0], currRoom[1], currDate))
absentDataSQL = cursor.fetchall()
absentData = {}
for p in ['m', '1', '2', '3', '4', 'n', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']:
absentData[p] = {}
for i in absentDataSQL:
absentData[i[0]][i[1]] = i[2]
for i in absentDataSQL:
absentData[i[0]][i[1]] = {
'status': i[2],
'note': i[3],
return render_template('admin.html', homerooms=homerooms, currRoom=currRoom, students=students, currDate=currDate, schedule=schedule, submission=submission, studGP=studGP, idvDS=idvDS,
dates=dates, absentData=absentData, periods=['m', '1', '2', '3', '4', 'n', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'], showUpload=session['showUpload'], dsboard=DSBOARD, dstext=DSTEXT, dsoffenses=DSOFFENSES)
# 'n', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'], showUpload=session['showUpload'])
2021-09-26 06:37:34 -07:00
elif pl == 'group':
2021-12-12 02:38:10 -08:00
db = refresh_db()
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT category, subclass FROM gpclasses WHERE accs LIKE %s", ('%'+session['oldUsername']+'%',))
gpclasses = cursor.fetchall()
data = {}
2021-09-26 06:37:34 -07:00
currDate = ""
2021-12-12 02:38:10 -08:00
dow = ""
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT date FROM dates ORDER BY date ASC")
dates = cursor.fetchall()
if fCommand != "":
currDate = fData
for i in dates:
currDate = i[0]
if i[0] >="%Y-%m-%d"):
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT dow FROM dates WHERE date=%s", (currDate, ))
dow = cursor.fetchone()[0]
2021-09-26 06:37:34 -07:00
2021-12-12 02:38:10 -08:00
for c in gpclasses:
cursor.execute("SELECT about FROM gpclasses WHERE subclass=%s AND category=%s",
(c[1], c[0]))
cclass = {
"name": cursor.fetchone()[0],
"category": c[0],
"class_id": c[1]
data[cclass['category'] + ' ' + cclass['class_id']] = {
"cdata": cclass,
# get student list
cursor.execute("SELECT grade,class_,num,name,ename FROM students WHERE classes LIKE " + '\'%\"'+ cclass['category'] + '\": \"' + cclass['class_id'] +'\"%\'' + " ORDER BY grade ASC,class_ ASC,num ASC")
students = cursor.fetchall()
# get student homerooms
homerooms = []
for x in students:
if (str(x[0]) + '^' + str(x[1])) not in homerooms:
homerooms.append(str(x[0]) + '^' + str(x[1]))
# get periods
for h in homerooms:
hs = h.split('^')
cursor.execute("SELECT period FROM schedule WHERE grade=%s AND class_=%s AND dow=%s AND teacher=%s", (hs[0], hs[1], dow, cclass['category']))
scheduleSQL = cursor.fetchall()
cursor.execute("SELECT period FROM specschedule WHERE grade=%s AND class_=%s AND date=%s AND teacher=%s", (hs[0], hs[1], currDate, cclass['category']))
specNTPSQL = cursor.fetchall()
for s in specNTPSQL:
cursor.execute("SELECT period FROM specschedule WHERE grade=%s AND class_=%s AND date=%s AND teacher!=%s", (hs[0], hs[1], currDate, cclass['category']))
specNTDSQL = cursor.fetchall()
specNTD = {}
for i in specNTDSQL:
specNTD[i[0]] = True
print(h, specNTD, scheduleSQL)
for p in scheduleSQL:
if p[0] in specNTD and specNTD[p[0]] == True:
2021-09-26 06:37:34 -07:00
2021-12-12 02:38:10 -08:00
if p[0] not in data[cclass['category'] + ' ' + cclass['class_id']]:
data[cclass['category'] + ' ' + cclass['class_id']][p[0]] = {}
if (h not in data[cclass['category'] + ' ' + cclass['class_id']][p[0]]):
data[cclass['category'] + ' ' + cclass['class_id']][p[0]][h] = {}
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT signature FROM submission WHERE grade=%s AND class_=%s AND date=%s AND period=%s", (hs[0], hs[1], currDate, p[0]))
submissionSQL = cursor.fetchone()
submitted = False
if submissionSQL[0] == 'STUD_AFFAIR_OFFICE':
submitted = True
signatures = json.loads(submissionSQL[0])
if cclass['class_id'] in signatures:
submitted = True
hrCfrm = False
if not submitted:
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT signature FROM submission WHERE grade=%s AND class_=%s AND date=%s AND period='c'", (hs[0], hs[1], currDate))
hrCfrm = True if cursor.fetchone() != None else submitted
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT num, status, note FROM absent WHERE grade=%s AND class_=%s AND date=%s AND period=%s", (hs[0], hs[1], currDate, p[0]))
absentDataSQL = cursor.fetchall()
for x in students:
if (str(x[0])==hs[0] and str(x[1])==hs[1]):
studStatus = [item for item in absentDataSQL if item[0] == x[2]]
status = ""
if submitted:
if studStatus == []:
status = 'present'
status = studStatus[0][1]
if studStatus == []:
if hrCfrm:
status = '--'
status = 'na'
status = studStatus[0][1]
data[cclass['category'] + ' ' + cclass['class_id']][p[0]][h][x[2]] = {
"name": x[3],
"ename": x[4],
"status": status,
"note": '' if studStatus == [] else studStatus[0][2],
return render_template('group_teach.html', dates=dates, currDate=currDate, data=data, dsoffenses=DSOFFENSES)
2021-09-26 06:37:34 -07:00
elif pl == 'homeroom':
2021-12-12 02:38:10 -08:00
db = refresh_db()
2021-09-26 06:37:34 -07:00
times = OrderedDict({
'm': '00:00',
'1': '08:15',
'2': '09:10',
'3': '10:05',
'4': '11:00',
'n': '11:55',
'5': '13:10',
'6': '14:05',
'7': '15:00',
'8': '15:53',
'9': '16:43',
'ph': '23:59'
currPeriod = ""
currTime ="%H:%M")
for i in times:
if (times[i] <= currTime and
currTime <= times[next_item(times, i)]):
currPeriod = i
2021-12-12 02:38:10 -08:00
currRoom = session['homeroom'].split('^')
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT num,name,ename,classes FROM students WHERE grade=%s AND class_=%s ORDER BY num ASC", (currRoom[0], currRoom[1]))
students = cursor.fetchall()
studGP = {}
for s in students:
studGP[s[0]] = json.loads(s[3])
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT date FROM dates ORDER BY date ASC")
dates = cursor.fetchall()
2021-09-26 06:37:34 -07:00
currDate = ""
2021-12-12 02:38:10 -08:00
if fCommand != "":
2021-09-26 06:37:34 -07:00
currDate = fData
2021-12-12 02:38:10 -08:00
for i in dates:
currDate = i[0]
if i[0] >="%Y-%m-%d"):
2021-09-26 06:37:34 -07:00
2021-12-12 02:38:10 -08:00
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT dow FROM dates WHERE date=%s", (currDate, ))
dow = cursor.fetchone()[0]
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT period, subject, teacher FROM schedule WHERE grade=%s AND class_=%s AND dow=%s", (currRoom[0], currRoom[1], dow))
scheduleSQL = cursor.fetchall()
schedule = {}
for i in scheduleSQL:
schedule[i[0]] = {
"subject": i[1],
"teacher": i[2],
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT period, subject, teacher FROM specschedule WHERE grade=%s AND class_=%s AND date=%s", (currRoom[0], currRoom[1], currDate))
specScheduleSQL = cursor.fetchall()
for i in specScheduleSQL:
schedule[i[0]] = {
"subject": i[1],
"teacher": i[2],
"special": True
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT period, signature, notes, ds1,ds2,ds3,ds4,ds5,ds6,ds7 FROM submission WHERE grade=%s AND class_=%s AND date=%s", (currRoom[0], currRoom[1], currDate))
submissionSQL = cursor.fetchall()
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT period, num, note FROM ds WHERE grade=%s AND class_=%s AND date=%s", (currRoom[0], currRoom[1], currDate))
idvDSSQL = cursor.fetchall()
idvDS = {}
for i in idvDSSQL:
if i[0] not in idvDS:
idvDS[i[0]] = {}
idvDS[i[0]][i[1]]= i[2]
submission = {}
for i in submissionSQL:
if i[0] == 'c':
submission[i[0]] = {
"signature": i[1],
"notes": i[2]
elif schedule[i[0]]["subject"] == "GP":
submission[i[0]] = OrderedDict()
signatures = json.loads(i[1])
for j in signatures:
submission[i[0]][j] = {
"signature": signatures[j],
submission[i[0]]["notes"] = i[2]
submission[i[0]] = {
"signature": i[1],
"notes": i[2],
"ds1": i[3],
"ds2": i[4],
"ds3": i[5],
"ds4": i[6],
"ds5": i[7],
"ds6": i[8],
"ds7": i[9],
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT period, num, status, note FROM absent WHERE grade=%s AND class_=%s AND date=%s", (currRoom[0], currRoom[1], currDate))
absentDataSQL = cursor.fetchall()
absentData = {}
for p in ['m', '1', '2', '3', '4', 'n', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']:
absentData[p] = {}
for i in absentDataSQL:
absentData[i[0]][i[1]] = {
'status': i[2],
'note': i[3],
return render_template('homeroom.html', currRoom=currRoom, students=students, currDate=currDate, schedule=schedule, submission=submission, currPeriod=currPeriod, studGP=studGP,
dates=dates, absentData=absentData, periods=['m', '1', '2', '3', '4', 'n', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'], dsboard=DSBOARD, dstext=DSTEXT, dsoffenses=DSOFFENSES, idvDS=idvDS)
2021-09-26 06:37:34 -07:00
return redirect('/logout')
@manage.route('/manage', methods=['GET'])
def manageRoot():
return manageProcess("", "")
2021-10-15 05:32:24 -07:00
@manage.route('/manage/date/<date>', methods=['GET'])
def manage_date(date):
return manageProcess("date", date)
2021-09-26 06:37:34 -07:00
2021-10-15 05:32:24 -07:00
@manage.route('/manage/admin/<g>/<r>/<date>', methods=['GET'])
def manage_admin(g, r, date):
2021-09-26 06:37:34 -07:00
data = [
2021-10-15 05:32:24 -07:00
g + '^' + r,
2021-09-26 06:37:34 -07:00
return manageProcess("admin", data)
2021-12-12 02:38:10 -08:00
@manage.route('/student', methods=['GET'])
def showStudentAbs():
if (check_login_status()):
return redirect('/logout')
if not ('user_type' in session and session['user_type'] == 'student'):
return redirect('/')
db = refresh_db()
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT date, period, num, status, note FROM absent WHERE grade=%s AND class_=%s AND num=%s ORDER BY date DESC, period DESC, num ASC", (session['grade'], session['class'], session['num']))
absentDataSQL = cursor.fetchall()
return render_template("list.html", title="Student Absent List | 學生缺勤紀錄", mode='STUDABS', data=absentDataSQL, currRoom=[session['grade'],session['class']], name=session['name'], num=session['num'])
@manage.route('/student/ds', methods=['GET'])
def showStudentDS():
if (check_login_status()):
return redirect('/logout')
if not ('user_type' in session and session['user_type'] == 'student'):
return redirect('/')
db = refresh_db()
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT date, period, num, note FROM ds WHERE grade=%s AND class_=%s AND num=%s ORDER BY date DESC, period DESC, num ASC", (session['grade'], session['class'], session['num']))
dsDataSQL = cursor.fetchall()
return render_template("list.html", title="Student DS List | 學生定心紀錄", mode='STUDDS', data=dsDataSQL, currRoom=[session['grade'],session['class']], name=session['name'], num=session['num'])
@manage.route('/manage/abs', methods=['GET'])
def showAllAbs():
if (check_login_status()):
return redirect('/logout')
currRoom = session['homeroom'].split('^')
db = refresh_db()
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT num,name,ename FROM students WHERE grade=%s AND class_=%s ORDER BY num ASC", (currRoom[0], currRoom[1]))
studentsSQL = cursor.fetchall()
students = {}
for st in studentsSQL:
students[st[0]] = {
'name': st[1],
'ename': st[2],
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT date, period, num, status, note FROM absent WHERE grade=%s AND class_=%s ORDER BY date DESC, period DESC, num ASC", (currRoom[0], currRoom[1]))
absentDataSQL = cursor.fetchall()
return render_template("list.html", title="Absent List | 缺勤紀錄", mode='ABS', students=students, data=absentDataSQL, currRoom=currRoom)
@manage.route('/manage/ds', methods=['GET'])
def showAllDS():
if (check_login_status()):
return redirect('/logout')
currRoom = session['homeroom'].split('^')
db = refresh_db()
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT num,name,ename FROM students WHERE grade=%s AND class_=%s ORDER BY num ASC", (currRoom[0], currRoom[1]))
studentsSQL = cursor.fetchall()
students = {}
for st in studentsSQL:
students[st[0]] = {
'name': st[1],
'ename': st[2],
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT date, period, num, note FROM ds WHERE grade=%s AND class_=%s ORDER BY date DESC, period DESC, num ASC", (currRoom[0], currRoom[1]))
dsDataSQL = cursor.fetchall()
return render_template("list.html", title="DS List | 定心紀錄", mode='DS', students=students, data=dsDataSQL, currRoom=currRoom)
2021-09-26 06:37:34 -07:00
@manage.route('/manage/group_teach_publish', methods=['POST'])
def group_teach_publish():
if (check_login_status()):
return redirect('/logout')
2021-10-06 07:44:08 -07:00
2021-12-12 02:38:10 -08:00
data = request.form.to_dict()
cclass = {
2021-12-12 02:38:10 -08:00
"category": data.pop('category'),
"class_id": data.pop('class_id')
2021-12-12 02:38:10 -08:00
db = refresh_db()
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT about FROM gpclasses WHERE category=%s AND subclass=%s",
(cclass['category'], cclass['class_id']))
cclass["name"] = cursor.fetchone()[0]
cursor.execute("SELECT grade,class_,num,name,ename FROM students WHERE classes LIKE " + '\'%\"'+ cclass['category'] + '\": \"' + cclass['class_id'] +'\"%\'' + " ORDER BY grade ASC,class_ ASC,num ASC")
students = cursor.fetchall()
homerooms = []
for x in students:
if (str(x[0]) + '^' + str(x[1])) not in homerooms:
homerooms.append(str(x[0]) + '^' + str(x[1]))
date = data.pop('date')
period = data.pop('period')
signature = data.pop('signatureData')
notes = data.pop('notes')
absentData = []
dsData = []
for x in data:
xs = x.split('^')
if xs[0] == 'note':
2021-12-12 02:38:10 -08:00
elif xs[0] == 'ds':
dsData.append([xs[1], xs[2].split('-')[0], xs[2].split('-')[1], data[x]])
2021-09-26 06:37:34 -07:00
2021-12-12 02:38:10 -08:00
absentData.append([xs[1], xs[2], xs[3], 'K' if xs[0] == '1' else 'L', data['note^'+xs[1]+'^'+xs[2]+'^'+xs[3]]])
for h in homerooms:
h = h.split('^')
cursor = db.cursor()
SELECT signature, notes FROM submission WHERE grade=%s AND class_=%s AND date=%s AND period=%s
""", (h[0], h[1], date, period))
one = cursor.fetchone()
if one is None:
jSignature = json.dumps({cclass['class_id']: signature})
INSERT INTO submission (grade, class_, date, period, signature, notes)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
""", (h[0], h[1], date, period, jSignature, notes))
jSignature = json.loads(one[0])
if cclass['class_id'] in jSignature:
jSignature[cclass['class_id']] = signature
note = one[1] + '; ' + notes
UPDATE submission SET signature=%s, notes=%s WHERE grade=%s AND class_=%s AND date=%s AND period=%s
""", (json.dumps(jSignature), note, h[0], h[1], date, period))
for d in dsData:
cursor = db.cursor()
INSERT INTO ds (grade, class_, num, date, period, note)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
""", (d[0], d[1], d[2], date, period, d[3]))
for a in absentData:
cursor = db.cursor()
INSERT INTO absent (grade, class_, num, date, period, status, note)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
""", (a[0], a[1], a[2], date, period, a[3], a[4]))
2021-09-26 06:37:34 -07:00
return redirect('/manage')
@manage.route('/manage/homeroom_abs', methods=['POST'])
def homeroom_abs_publish():
if (check_login_status()):
return redirect('/logout')
2021-10-06 07:44:08 -07:00
2021-12-12 02:38:10 -08:00
db = refresh_db()
data = request.form.to_dict()
date = data.pop('date')
period = data.pop('period')
signature = data.pop('signatureData')
notes = data.pop('notes')
homeroom = data.pop('homeroom').split('^')
ds1 = data.pop('ds^1')
ds2 = data.pop('ds^2')
ds3 = data.pop('ds^3')
ds4 = data.pop('ds^4')
ds5 = data.pop('ds^5')
ds6 = data.pop('ds^6')
ds7 = data.pop('ds^7')
# 2: L / 1: K
absentData = {}
dsidv = {}
for x in data:
xt = x.split('^')
if (xt[0] == 'note'):
if xt[2] not in absentData:
absentData[xt[2]] = {}
absentData[xt[2]]['note'] = data[x]
elif (xt[0] == 'dsidv'):
dsidv[xt[1]] = data[x]
if xt[1] not in absentData:
absentData[xt[1]] = {}
absentData[xt[1]]['status'] = 'L' if x[0] == '2' else 'K'
cursor = db.cursor()
INSERT INTO submission
(grade, class_, date, period, signature, ds1, ds2, ds3, ds4, ds5, ds6, ds7, notes)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
""", (homeroom[0], homeroom[1], date, period, signature, ds1, ds2, ds3, ds4, ds5, ds6, ds7, notes))
for x in absentData:
(grade, class_, date, period, num, status, note)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
""", (homeroom[0], homeroom[1], date, period, x, absentData[x]['status'], absentData[x]['note']))
for x in dsidv:
(grade, class_, date, period, num, note)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
""", (homeroom[0], homeroom[1], date, period, x, dsidv[x]))
2021-09-26 06:37:34 -07:00
return redirect('/manage')
@manage.route('/manage/edit_abs', methods=['POST'])
def edit_abs():
if (check_login_status() or not check_permission()):
return redirect('/logout')
2021-12-12 02:38:10 -08:00
data = request.form.to_dict()
return ""
2021-09-26 06:37:34 -07:00
@manage.route('/manage/homeroom_confirm', methods=['POST'])
def homeroom_confirm():
if (check_login_status()):
return redirect('/logout')
2021-10-06 07:44:08 -07:00
2021-12-12 02:38:10 -08:00
data = request.form.to_dict()
homeroom = data.pop('homeroom').split('^')
date = data.pop('date')
signature = data.pop('signatureData')
notes = data.pop('notes')
db = refresh_db()
cursor = db.cursor()
INSERT INTO submission
(grade, class_, date, period, signature, notes)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, 'c', %s, %s)
""", (homeroom[0], homeroom[1], date, signature, notes))
2021-09-26 06:37:34 -07:00
return redirect('/manage')